In the beginning . . . 

Ayden and Zac was born at 28 weeks on the 17 March 2002. 
Ayden , the older of the twins, were born at 19h22pm.  Zac, born at 19h49pm, decided to approach the world feet first... He clearly was not ready for everything life outside the womb had to offer.  

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Ayden Zac

To their Mom and Dad's relief both boys, exercised their lungs with a cry, soon after birth.  That is surely the sweetest sound a Mother and Father can ask for.   They were then whisked away to the Neonatal ICU.  This has been their home for the past Three weeks.

Mom and Dad is very happy to leave them in the capable hands of the Neonatal ICU Staff.  They are the stand-in  Mamma and Pappa... but only for a while.  We are praying that soon we will be taking over all the parental duties bestowed on us...